Be our guest on the Full Stop podcast!

Do you love a great podcast? We hope you do! We’re busy arranging guest invites and thought it would be useful to share some pearls of wisdom we’ve gleaned from the podcast community and our fledging experiences.

Arranging a time

We try to schedule our guest interviews between 1-2 weeks before the broadcast is aired. The reason that we do this is that it allows us time to edit the audio. Michael and Sarah have set up a private group who are our ‘R&D testers’ (thank you lovelies!) who give us useful critical feedback.

If all our diaries are madly busy and we can’t arrange a time, like a Number 11 bus, we’ll be along next month and the one after that too!

The recording

We record online so you can get comfy in your pj’s if you like! You’ll get a link from Sarah or Berenice. We advise that a set of Apple in-ear phones with a mic or similar are fine. If you have a microphone then that’s wonderful.

We don't work from sound proofed rooms but you should be careful not to sit by open windows, snoring dogs, boilers, washing machines and other stuff that makes a noise. Do turn off your mobile and close down email or other programmes that beep and ping. It makes it easier for Michael’s audio edit.

We’ll book between 30 mins to an hour of your time. Before we start, we’ll have covered the overall episode theme which is also listed here and you can go through any points you’d like to make. You’re welcome to share your website or social media details in the recording, it’s the very least we can do but bear in mind that it’s a mutual sharing of information not a pitch.

Who will interview me?

It’ll be one, two or all three presenters. Michael is based in Australia so his time zone is different to Sarah and Berenice in the UK. If you can make the recording date (usually the last Sunday of each morning) then you will meet all three of us - hurrah!

Sound bites

We also love to get MP3 soundbites so if you have a point to make but you’d prefer to record in advance then pop it over to us. You can make a recording on your phone and pop it over to us. We do reserve the right to refuse if the quality is poor or it’s not fulfilling our mission statement. Which leads us nicely onto…

How to be on the Full Stop podcast!

We are always on the look out for great guests! Good speakers are hard to come by but there are some things we love and will mean you’ll get noticed!

1. Be a friend

Do listen to our podcast material here to get an idea of who we are. Follow us on social media and get chatting. We also have a newsletter. We are working hard to create great content for our listeners so it’s nice to know that you’re part of our community who shares and supports others.

Number one tip to be a great podcast guest is to be a friend!

2. Check out our future episodes

Pop over to our Listen page and you can see what’s coming up and when we’re recording. If you think you’d like to be part of a future episode then please get in touch as soon as you can. Pop us a few words on why you’d be an great guest. We’re not looking for a CV or epic statement but tell us a bit about you, your area of expertise and what you’ve been up to.

3. Be in our gang

It’s really important that we place ourselves in our audience’s shoes. They maybe coming to terms with involuntary childlessness, accepting their grief or still hoping to be a parent. We also encourage family and friends to listen too. So think about comparisons, empathy and expertise that they can relate too. Also, and this is one we forget all the time, make it work for a podcast. Don’t try to do what Berenice and Sarah did in the episode 1 recording and try to describe bunny ears…

4. After party!

At the end of the interview, we will give you an opportunity to talk about a thing you’re working on or launching. We encourage you to use this time wisely—state briefly what you’d like more people to know about, and for bonus points all around, invite listeners to check out a specific URL and maybe think about a bonus for them. We’ll share your links in the show notes on our channels.

5. Keep in touch

Do let us know how it went for you. We’re growing our skills in a learning curve so big you can call it a circle, so if you think there’s something not quite right, let us know. We’d like love it if you’d be willing to promote the show to your platform when it’s ready – we love an interactive guest!


Get in touch via our contact form or social media.

Photo credit: Adam Solomon

Berenice Howard-Smith

I help clients get from idea to audience with gorgeous design. Hello Lovely is an award-winning, full creative service for print, book and website design plus image and illustration commissioning.

Episode 1 Bonus show!


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