Tools to help you

After The Storm

Presenter Sarah Lawrence runs After The Storm, supporting and empowering people coming to terms with a childless life.

Ageing Well Without Children

AWOC is a UK based organisation for people ageing over 50 without children covering those who are childfree, through circumstance, infertility, bereavement, estrangement, distance or any other reason. Listen to Kirsty Woodard, the founder on episode 19 of the Full Stop podcast.

Childless in the Workplace

Childless in the Workplace is a Facebook group for childless people who need support in the workplace and welcomes men and women.

The Childless Collective

The cozy and connecting gathering place for childless women and nonbinary people based on Mighty Networks. Meet Katy who runs the group on episode 40 of the Full Stop podcast.


Run by Sandra McNicol, providing 1:1 grief therapy, runs healing horseshoes (grief circles with ceremonies and workshops), for women with a private Facebook group.

Childless Path to Acceptance

A Facebook group is a safe place for anyone who is Childless NOT By Choice, be that via circumstance, infertility, chance or tough decisions.

Childless Voices

The choir created by Helen Louise-Jones and you can meet Helen on episode 23 of the Full Stop podcast.

Chronic Survivors Childless Warriors

A support group based on Facebook for permanently childless women who also cope with a chronic condition or other medical conditions. Administrated by Palo Baker from episode 44.

The Childless Men’s Community

Founded by our presenter Michael, this is a Facebook based private group for males to find support and encouragement from their brothers around the globe.

The Empty Cradle

Founded and run by Sarah Roberts, a community for women who have lost the opportunity for motherhood.

Empowered Childlessness

Run by creative powerhouse Helen Segal, this vibrant community group encourages you to embrace your journey.

Femme Sans Enfant

Catherine-Emmanuelle Delisle donne, depuis 2012, la parole en français à un groupe social encore marginalisé dans la société : les femmes sans enfant par les circonstances de la vie et par choix. Catherine-Emmanuelle Delisle est également créatrice de groupes d'entraide en français via la plateforme Meetup à Montréal, Québec, Paris et Bordeaux.

Flow Non Parent Network

Flow is a business community sensitive to the childless and childfree experience.

Gateway Women

Founded by Jody Day, our first guest on The Full Stop podcast, Gateway Women is one of the first spaces to unite women who are childless from all over the world.

Involuntarily Childless Researchers

This Facebook group is for involuntarily childless people who conduct research on any and all aspects of the experience of involuntary childlessness to share: resources, articles, stories of how we came to our research paths, the research process (methodology, epistemology, theoretical frameworks, ethical issues, data collection, analysis, dissemination, etc.), advocacy, and any other topics of benefit.

MIST (Miscarriage & Infertility Support Training)

MIST is founded by Katy Schnitzler, an academic and specialist in the areas of pregnancy loss, infertility and childlessness. Katy is passionate in helping organisations to support people experiencing these pervasive, yet silenced issues. Listen to Katy on episode 32 of the Full Stop podcast.

More to Life

More To Life is a network for men and women who are childless not by choice. Features a wealth of webinars on a range of subjects designed to inspire, educate and inform. Watch the Full Stop team on the MTL YouTube channel.

MRKH Connect

Recommended to us by Charlie Bishop, our guest from episode 44 to support people with with Mayer Rokitansky Küster Hauser (MRKH) syndrome.

Not So Mommy

Not So Mommy is a full and active site full of wisdom and guidance, created by Brandi Higgins Lytle.

The Non-Mum Network

You've heard of Mumsnet...well, this is Mumsnot, run by Samantha Jane Walsh on Facebook for childless or childfree, come on in and join us.

New Legacy Institute

The New Legacy Institute is leading social justice advocacy for equitable and consciously inclusive action and environments, for people without children.

Speak Up

Speak Up shows commitment to tackling everyday bias and bigotry. This guide is published by Learning for Justice and gives examples and solutions to bias (content warning - references children and families).

Walk In Our Shoes

Presenter Berenice set up Walk In Our Shoes during her Masters degree, allowing people who may not be ready to go public or do not wish to set up a blog, to share their stories through the feet selfies.

We Create Space

Provides training for DEIB (Diversity, Equality, Inclusion and Belonging) with a focus on creating safe spaces for LGBTQIA+. Berenice is a peer-to-peer trainer through their programme.

World Childless Week

Founded by Steph Phillips, who has appeared on our episodes, World Childless Week has links to support groups and useful content from all over the world.