Berenice Howard-Smith Berenice Howard-Smith

Childless and World Mental Health Day

If you haven’t thought about childlesss people in your workplace on World Mental Health Day and checked your content is inclusive, because we all have mental health, then that’s an exclusion. How do you flip it so everyone’s mental health is recognised?

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Berenice Howard-Smith Berenice Howard-Smith

Choosing a childless resource that works for you

It was quiet enough for me to ask the same man if that bothered him. If, on a wet September Monday afternoon, he might be fed up because the person who passed the window went into the shop over the road?

"But the next person or the person after that will stop here because we're a book town," he said knowingly.

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Berenice Howard-Smith Berenice Howard-Smith

How to gain the most from a podcast guest slot

Congratulations, you’ve scored a slot on a podcast. Maybe it’s the Full Stop? Here’s some advice that we’ve gained from our experience and gathered from our podcast community to help you get the best from your podcast guest opportunity.

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Berenice Howard-Smith Berenice Howard-Smith

10 benefits to podcast guests

Podcast guesting is an opportunity that allows people to tell their story and share their work. It can humanise the story through tone and voice and catch the attention of the audience. A podcast, according to The State of Marketing report by Hubspot, lists them as the fifth highest ROI (return on investment). Here are ten reasons why a podcast guest slot is a great opportunity.

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Berenice Howard-Smith Berenice Howard-Smith


It’s been long overdue, we’re delighted to announce an update!

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Berenice Howard-Smith Berenice Howard-Smith

Swift, Newsweek and role models

For context, this is click bait (and a disclaimer, I’m not a Swiftie). I’m sure that in reading this, you might want to say ‘chill, Berenice, it’s just them making money through clicks and traffic’.  That’s very true but it’s also dismissing the targetting of a demographic where grief is present. Newsweek telling the world that we’re all terrible role models for circumstances, physical or medical events that aren’t our fault is extraordinarily hurtful. 

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Berenice Howard-Smith Berenice Howard-Smith

Who is the Full Stop Community for?

It’s perfect for people who listen to the Full Stop podcast and would like to get more involved in the longest running podcast for the childless community.

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Berenice Howard-Smith Berenice Howard-Smith

Feeling safe in coaching study

As with all groups comes the introduction. Like many who are childless, not by choice, I think about the words long before I say them. Being too honest can instantly create judgment or pity.

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Berenice Howard-Smith Berenice Howard-Smith

Be part of our December episode

Our December podcast is always popular even in August. Here’s how you can take part in sharing a holiday message with our audience.

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Berenice Howard-Smith Berenice Howard-Smith

International Men’s Day

Men’s health and well-being are at the heart of Episode 57 of The Full Stop podcast “Why is nobody talking about childless men?” It will be released for International Men’s Day on 19th November 2023 on our website and all major listening channels across the world.

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Berenice Howard-Smith Berenice Howard-Smith

Just us, with a fancy number

We collaborate, never compete, and invest in supportive relationships which is the best way to help all who are childless.

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blog Berenice Howard-Smith blog Berenice Howard-Smith

Podcast Guest

We also talk on other podcasts; all three of us know the power of speaking with authenticity and how that can share our stories to a greater, diverse audience so that we can learn together.

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blog Berenice Howard-Smith blog Berenice Howard-Smith

Creative healing

Did you find that somewhere in this life, you lost your self-worth? If you did, then welcome to my story. It’s one we hear a lot in our community conversations; we share those sentiments and experiences ourselves as presenters.

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Berenice Howard-Smith Berenice Howard-Smith

Changes and growth

Last summer saw a change in our male childless community as we changed the name of The Clan Of Brothers to The Childless Men's Community (CMC). A long story short, we got feedback from some of our American community that what I thought was a great name leaning into my ancestral Scottish heritage turns out to be perceived in a totally different way in the US.

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