What’s inside The Full Stop Community?
Our new Community is taking shape. Since our May 2023 episode was published, we’ve been working hard on testing the platform with a selected group of testers. We’re almost ready to open the doors!
What’s inside?
We’ve kept it simple and clear. Each person has their own account. In this you can edit and customise your profile with a photo, location and bio. The details are up to you, only pop in what you feel comfortable with.
You can use a direct message feature too and you can access a members directory and search the Community - we love this feature, it’s very intuitive.
The Full Stop pod group is all things related to The Full Stop Podcast. In our live area, you can come along and be in the audience and ask questions. It's very similar to Zoom. We tend to record on Sundays at 10am GMT/BST and the recording will appear in the Full Stop Podcast space. Occasionally we may have a guest who prefers not to be here and honour that request. In this instance we'd record on Zoom and share the recording here (as well as on on our website and all listening channels).
The Podcast Episode Chat is for post-recording feedback, discussion and comments. We know many topic can generate discussions. Please be gentle on our guests (and presenters!) as it takes courage to share their stories.
Community events. Moderators along with Michael, Sarah and Berenice will share events in this space. This may include a book group, film chat, tea break, business networking. We're growing the space so we'd love to know what you'd like to see. This could take form of a Live Room, with members visible and we'll pop in a few examples so you can see how this works - it's a bit like a Zoom webinar.
The Full Stop Community Conversation is a selection of spaces that allow conversation. We encourage you to Say Hello and share a photo and a little bit about you, what you do, and where you live (or the nearest landmark if you like). In our Words of Wisdom, the moderators and founders will share any threads of topics that come up often so do check in here. In Resources we'll share useful links and information recommended by us or to us.
The Full Stop Community Clubs are spaces we are developing. Culture Club (apologies if you've just started to hum Karma Chameleon) is for chat about films, books, events out there in the wider world that might be of interest and free from obvious triggers such as miracle fertility as far as you know. Our Q&A Replay is a space where we'll share recordings of us chatting to members about what else they like to do. In our Business Network, we'd like to grow a pool of talented employees, business owners, side-hustlers and freelancers who may like to work with each other, or maybe we'll do some online or in person co-working and problem solving.
Lastly there are links; these are links to apps and all things Full Stop, and any other links you’d like.
A preview of secure, online space that we’re inviting you to do join. Even more access to The Full Stop. How does that all sound?