Happy International Women’s Day and why we're challenging the stats

Did you know that women make up just 1 in 3 of podcast presenters and that 46% of listeners are women (this is closing all the time but it’s still not quite equal). With Sarah and Berenice, we’re challenging the stats and we love the balance. Both of us bring different stories to the podcast and qualities too, so we hope that you’re inspired by us. We welcome any questions you might have about podcasting and what we bring to the Full Stop, as we’re all firm believers in sharing skills and knowledge.

On this IWD we want to thank all our female guests as it turns out men are more likely to be podcast guests too and say hurrah for going against that trend too! Special thanks….

Jody Day, Lesley Pyne, Civilla Morgan, Rosalind Bubb, Anne Barratt, Stephanie Phillips, Brandi Higgins Lytle, Helen Segal, Kate Kauffman, Tanya Trusler, Tessa Broad, Yvonne John, Sophia Andeh, Jennifer Parrish, Bibi Lynch, Suzan Muir, Emily Scott, Meriel Whale, Lorna Gibb, Annie Kirby, Tessa Broad and all the World Childless Week Champions.

Sarah’s sources of inspiration are: Queen Elizabeth I - strong woman in a man’s world; Sara Pascoe - comedian, very open about her PCOS and childlessness; Bibi Lynch who made a big impression on her; Kathrine Virginia "Kathy" Switzer - she ran a marathon before it was considered acceptable for women to do so. She was harassed by race marshals, as they tried to bully her off the route, and Rosa Parks - incredible woman that said no to racism.

Berenice would like to thank Lesley, Steph, Annie, Meriel and Jody for their kindness, and Lynda, Sue and Rachel who took the time to listen and it means the world - you’re wonderful mothers. And to everyone at Digital Women who have nominated her for a couple of awards which you can read about here.

And Michael, well we can’t leave him out can we? He’s the most supportive presenter and we love dearly for being an advocate of female empowerment. He says that “As I know intimately these strong womens stories, I feel qualified to say they inspire me because I know what they have overcome. They are. Vickie Hughes, my sister Karen Hughes, @Sarah Lawrence, @Berenice Smith and Laura Richards (founder of Paladin, the world’s first national stalking advocacy service in the UK).”

Thank you to everyone who is listening to us, from all genders and for your continued support. Let’s celebrate together for 365 days every year! Who is your source of inspiration? Let us know on social media!

Berenice Howard-Smith

I help clients get from idea to audience with gorgeous design. Hello Lovely is an award-winning, full creative service for print, book and website design plus image and illustration commissioning.


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