Open Minds webinar with Sarah Roberts and Dr Kirin Hilliar

What a ride so far

Hi everyone, it's Michael here!

Life has certainly ramped up since the ABC article came out that I was involved. So many opportunities have come my way and The Clan Of Brothers has exploded with new members and a large majority of them are Aussies. An Australian company that delivers health and wellbeing services to industry reached out to Sarah Roberts (from The Empty Cradle) and I to discuss childlessness for their clients, this won’t be available for sometime yet as it is part of a larger piece of work. I was so proud to represent The Full Stop Podcast with this piece of work.

Then Dr Kirin Hilliar, another Aussie based in the UAE reached out again to Sarah and I to have a discussion on Coping With Childlessness. Dr Hilliar works for Open Minds an organisation that provides a vast range of mental health services and really had not be exposed to the childless experience, but was willing to explore it with Sarah and I with the end result being content she could share with her colleagues and clients. We were able to have a copy of the webinar and so are able to share it here with you.

This is more evidence that we are getting seen and more importantly understood. We of course have a long way to go but with all the work from around the globe increasing it can only be a positive thing.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, as this is a learning experience for me too.

Berenice Howard-Smith

I help clients get from idea to audience with gorgeous design. Hello Lovely is an award-winning, full creative service for print, book and website design plus image and illustration commissioning.

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A cuppa with Katy, founder of MIST