Six ways to support The Full Stop podcast

We’ve really enjoyed creating the podcast content so far. We’ve been figuring out RSS feeds, organising our guests and editing our podcast audio.

We want to make sure that when we’ve published the episodes, our community finds it. We want to be a voice for all, and out there are millions of people who might benefit from our words and the advice of our guests.

We’re making a vow not to spend money on social media advertising as we know that when it’s done badly, it’s a waste of money or worse not well targeted as we all know when confronted by pro-natal adverting on social media.

This means we are relying on our community to support us and get the message out. Can you help us out?

  1. Share our social media links and posts so a friend of a friend of a friend who might not know about us , finds us. It also means we reach different demographics who may learn from us. You can also sign up to our newsletter!

  2. Leave a review on Facebook, Soundcloud or Apple, or any listening app. Get the links here.

  3. Donate to us on Kofi. This helps us with running costs. These costs are our website hosting and subscriptions like Podbeam. These services offer a free amount of hours or months but we’re almost out of minutes and days so we’ve upgraded for a fee. None of us or our guests are paid, it’s entirely voluntary. We really are mindful that we don’t want to close off our content through fees - we want everyone to hear us so we’ve decided to use voluntary funding as the ethical way forward.

  4. Be our guest, find out how here!

  5. Tell us what you’d like to hear. We really appreciate knowing who you like to listen too and what topics you’d like us to cover.

  6. We also love to give shout outs! So if you’re doing something new, have a celebration or simply happy to be part of our listeners group, then do tell us below or on social media. We’d love to hear from you.

Whatever you do, thank you from all of us!

Berenice, Michael and Sarah

Berenice Howard-Smith

I help clients get from idea to audience with gorgeous design. Hello Lovely is an award-winning, full creative service for print, book and website design plus image and illustration commissioning.

Meet Michael


Episode 1 show notes