Nomo Book Club

Embracing publications with childless/childfree themes or characters. Supporting NoMo (non-mother) writers. Advocating for NoMo readers.

Are you an emerging NoMo author with a story to share - perhaps your own journey through childlessness, a memoir of your path to a childfree life or a novel featuring a non-parent lead character? If so, I'd love to hear from you! Perhaps your story hasn't yet been published or you're looking to self-publish - if so, I'd be delighted to do an early review or write a blurb to help promote your work. Or if you're a recently published NoMo author looking for a helping hand, then the NoMo Book Club can direct more readers your way.

Wherever you are in your publishing journey, the NoMo Book Club is here to support all NoMo authors and stories. Please do reach out to me if you'd like to know more!

Berenice Howard-Smith

I help clients get from idea to audience with gorgeous design. Hello Lovely is an award-winning, full creative service for print, book and website design plus image and illustration commissioning.

After The Storm


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