Trying to make this blog more than just the written word
(Click the images to go to the sites)
My attempt at explaining why childless men behave they way they do.
World Childless Week 2019 - Men Matter Too Day
World Childless Week 2020 - Men Matter Too Day video, discussing how men grieve and cope.
The Clan of Brothers take a deep dive into what legacy means for us.
The equally lovely Sarah Roberts and Judy Graham and I were asked by Self Help Queensland to help out on this discussion. "People say there are 100's and 1000's of reasons people experience challenges to fertility and childlessness. Our panel of experts and individuals with lived experience explore this topic and discuss how to build a community of support."
The lovely Catherine-Emmanuelle Delisle and I discuss the male childless experience for her French/Canadian blog you can find the additional parts at her youtube channel. Just click on the image to take you there.
A pre-recorded discussion hosted by Lesley Pyne with Stephanie Joy Phillips, Berenice Smith, Michael Hughes, Caroline Stafford and Cristina Archetti for WCW 2021.
The Fullstop Podcast Team discuss childlessness in the workplace.
Canadian Robyn Jamieson-Voss interviewed me for a presentation to her employer network.