Sarah’s next goal – a network of therapists for the childless not by choice community

When I first dreamed of becoming a counsellor I was still very in the depths of my grief and shame. It almost felt counter-intuitive to start down a path of trying to achieve another dream, but something drove me on, and that was being unable to find a counsellor to support me through this shitshow. 

That wasn’t to say that I didn’t work with a counsellor, I did. I just couldn’t find someone that could sit opposite me knowing, really knowing, what it was to be childless-not-by-choice. And yes, that did mean encountering some of the bingo moments in the counselling room, which somehow feel harder when it’s meant to be a ‘safe’ space. 

And so, it felt like an absolute privilege when I finally qualified and was able to offer that level of knowing to my clients, and give something back to my community. I can’t tell you how often I’ve had to pinch myself to realise that this dream, after so many broken ones along the way, has come true. 

But, now I’m back to wanting to do more for this community, because there’s more for me to offer. Yes, I love being able to help my clients, but I find myself asking more searching questions. What about the members of our community that have been unable to find the help and support they need when they’ve needed it the most? What about the members of our community that help support this community through their work as therapists and counsellors? What can I do to make this a more linked up, supportive and ethical way or working? 

And so for many months now I have been planning, scheming and dreaming again. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit daunted by this latest plan, but it’s time to put on my big girl pants and launch The CNBC therapists network. I have grand plans for this network, not least of all being able to ensure that we have enough qualified counsellors and therapists that can support our growing community’s mental health. But, this soft launch is more about making sure there are enough people that want to get behind this idea. 

So, if you’re a counsellor, psychotherapist or offer some other form of therapy and would like to get together in a supportive environment then message me. I’m planning two Zoom chats on Friday 10 September at 8am (UK time) and then another at 7pm (UK time) on Thursday 16 September. This will be to chat over the plans, and to discuss what you would want from a network. 

If you’re interested please drop me an email and I’ll send over a link. It’ll be lovely to meet you all, and if you can’t make it let me know, and we can have a separate chat. 

Berenice Howard-Smith

I help clients get from idea to audience with gorgeous design. Hello Lovely is an award-winning, full creative service for print, book and website design plus image and illustration commissioning.

A cuppa with... Stephanie Joy Phillips from World Childless Week


A cuppa with... Bindi Shah