What happens when you've suggested a topic for a podcast episode?

We read every email that arrive with us. You’ll probably get our auto-reply to reassure you that it’s in our inbox. We’ll look at the topic, check to see if we’ve covered it already and add it to our Trello board where we place all enquiries.

We have regular admin chats where we’ll collaborate on Zoom to plan out the show, discuss future development and pre-plan our show. This is when we’ll look at the topics, discuss possible guests, how to expand on the theme; narrow it down if we feel it’s too much for one episode or divide it up. We’ll also look at the relevance to world events as the pandemic and other news do affect what we broadcast. Is it suitable for our listeners over 231 countries? We will also check the stats and data. Is it too niche, or hasn’t had a voice and needs raising. For example, Single and Childless in a pandemic spoke to so many of you. It simply wasn’t discussed.

If we decide to go ahead, it’s actively worked on, mostly by Sarah who makes contact with guests, and you if you’ve expressed a wish to be on the show (but you don’t have to be!) and arranges the recording dates.

What makes a good topic?

We love new voices, original themes, ones that can be approached with honesty, integrity, and hope. It can also be something that’s controversial or challenges. For example, we handed over the podcast to Yvonne John in the summer of 2020 to allow her the freedom to create an episode around race and childlessness. We’re very happy to explore that with you.

We do not expect anyone to have had any experience in being a guest on a podcast. All you need is a computer, access to Zoom, and a quiet space. We’ll take care of the rest.

We also love feedback. No, not the audio sort! We like to hear from listeners on social media too. Our own website statistics and social media stats always surprise us.

If you have a topic to suggest please get in touch

Berenice Howard-Smith

I help clients get from idea to audience with gorgeous design. Hello Lovely is an award-winning, full creative service for print, book and website design plus image and illustration commissioning.


A cuppa with... Bindi Shah


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