A cuppa with... Sarah Lawrence

Get to know our guests and us in our alternative Q&A! We’re catching up with friends, past and present to ask them about the important stuff in life. Y’know… cake, tea and biscuits.

Here’s presenter Sarah telling us all about direct talking and rock cakes!

Hi Sarah! Can you tell us more about you and how you came to be a super-warrior podcast presenter and counsellor?

Blimey! Where to start? I'm a straight-talking, direct type, partly because I was born and raised in the sunlight paradise called Chatham, and partly because I've got no time for faff. Seriously! Since becoming a member of this community I've been on a mission to right the wrongs I discovered when trying to scrape myself off the floor post-miscarriage, post-CNBC and post-hysterectomy. 

I've retrained as a counsellor, the sort of counsellor I would've wanted when I was going through my very real and very scary mental health challenges. You know one that rocks up as her, and shows you it's going to be ok because she's been there, rather than giving you a Kaftan-wearing, wifty-wafty watery smile that tells you she has no fucking clue what you're talking about or why you're struggling with your mental health as a result of being CNBC. That's not to say I'm hard-nosed. Beneath the swearing is a big old softy, which is why I love working with my community and giving back, so I'm hoping to take After the Storm in all sorts of directions in the future, but I'm presently training to become a trauma counsellor. Watch this space!  

I do other things as well which I'm equally passionate about, such as my complaints handling business. Yeah, I know, you must think I go looking for punishment, but I genuinely love people and helping them sort out complaints, which is why I'm passionate about it. 

I love animals of all shapes and sizes, especially my two cats, who are my fur-kids and I really don't care if that makes some people cringe. I know what they represent to me and I make no apologies for that at all. I love beer, running, long walks, yoga (that one surprised even me, to be honest!), exploring new public footpaths locally (during Covid) and further afield when we can get out and about. 

I'm very lucky to have friends that have known me for a long time and to have some newer ones. I love all of my friends, and spending time with people who make me laugh and are genuine lifts me up. It's probably why I love my co-hosts so much...Michael for his honesty, his warmth and his humour, Berenice for the way she stands up for what she believes in, for her honesty about her own struggles and because she is one of the loveliest people I've ever met. And I love my community! Too many people to name-check here, but they are all courageous in their own ways...There I said it. (Thank you, M and B x)

Tell us about your morning: 

I got up, didn't fancy a run, so I did some yoga. And then...

Working, working, working. Currently going bug-eyed over a website overhaul for After the Storm. Eugh! I've been putting it off, but I hate the website at the moment, as it doesn't reflect me as a counsellor...so it's got to go and I'll be re-doing it, The only page that's staying is the bio. I love After the Storm and all it does, but tech, I bloody hate tech! Argh!

Sounds good, can we get you a brew? (what's your favourite morning drink): 

Nope...can't stand hot drinks. I don't drink tea or coffee as I'm ridiculously sensitive to caffeine (racing heart and insomnia). And before you offer fruit teas (bleugh!) please don't, they all taste like hot squash. And it's a big, no thanks to hot chocolate, because it just makes chocolate taste gross when it's hot. Ovaltine (I'm still too young for that...honestly) and even hot water with a slice of lemon is a no. It can all just jog on. 

So what do I want then? Hmmmm....It's too early for beer isn't it? Damn...in that case I'll have a glass of water if you please, ice cold. (That's the least rock 'n' roll answer ever).

Would you like a biscuit? (favourite biccy or do you like something else?): 

I would love a mint Viscount. Do they still do those, or am I showing my age? They were the best biscuit and my Nan always had a supply, so pass me the whole packet and no I shan't be sharing. They're all mine.

Do you stop for lunch? (do you have a favourite lunch meal or routine?): 

Yes, otherwise I'd not take a break at all. Far too easy when you're self-employed. I generally spend my lunch with my husband and we watch some TV. 

My favourite lunch at the moment...please don't gag at this, is a mature cheddar roll, with salad and some sort of pickle. It can be chutney, but I'm particularly obsessed with gherkins at the moment and, yes I am partial to the vinegar. Is that disgusting? I discovered the other day that my business partner also drinks the vinegar - you've no idea the elation I felt at finding another weirdo that does it.

Afternoon tea? If you had to pick a cake, what can we bake for you?

Hmmmm...I love a macaron, but if I was pushed it would have to be my Nan's rock cakes. I've not had them since she passed away over 20 years ago, but sometimes when I think about them I can still taste the allspice in them. She only ever made them when she knew I would be visiting, and she even told my Grandad off if he tried to pinch one, as it would deprive me. How spoilt was I? I miss them - the rock cakes, my nan and my grandad.

How to find Sarah (when she’s not appearing on the podcast!)

Website: After The Storm

Name: Sarah Lawrence

Website: http://www.sarahlawrenceonline.com

Twitter Facebook

Berenice Howard-Smith

I help clients get from idea to audience with gorgeous design. Hello Lovely is an award-winning, full creative service for print, book and website design plus image and illustration commissioning.


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