blog Berenice Howard-Smith blog Berenice Howard-Smith

Mother's Day on our terms

It’s not avoidance, we all know it’s there. But if we go to the shops or out (remember going out?) we can prepare ourselves for exposure. But if you’ve had yet another phone call or WhatApp with your sibling and his two kids who want you to celebrate and you’ve Had Enough, the invasion of your inbox can feel like a bit bloody much!

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Berenice Howard-Smith Berenice Howard-Smith

Friendship and mental health

We are pleased to bring you our latest episode which is all about mental health. We must mention that I share my story which refers to suicide and you may wish to skip to 0.58 mins if you feel it could be difficult to listen to. We’ve provide helpline details on our Listen page and in the show notes across all the channels, please do not hesitate to contact them if you feel you need too.

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